So I got a new phone a short while back and I've really yet to figure out how the damn thing works. I shot some video over the last few days that I wanted to share but could not even figure out how to get it off of the damn phone. So after an hour of going back and forth from the phone to the laptop to the phone I had to open up each single thumbnail and there are like a thousand of them. There were no previews to show what each file was, this was a huge undertaking and a massive pain in the ass! So I would copy, then paste and then open before I even had an hint at what it was going to be. I was pretty happy when I found this one. Hell I didn't even know I still had this and for that matter I didn't even remember I shot this.
The quick back story is this; I was working out in the back yard with the radio on and I heard the local station run an ad saying what was going on that night. An old friend that I grew up with was coming to town and I had not seen him in what felt like forever. I checked my phone and still had his number but it was his home phone (the same number since we were kids). I sent him a message online and sure as hell he answered. My old friend is Italian and had been on the road for some time so I asked when was the last time he had some good, home cooked, real Italian food and his answer was "fucking forever ago", so I threw on a pot of water, grabbed up some pasta, opened up some cans of tomato and began cooking. The plan was to meet him at the buses behind the venue, catch up, eat some dinner and see the show. I had no idea that we'd be seeing the show sitting on road cases on the wing of the stage! When we were just kids this guy was one of the best bass players that I had ever seen and I knew without question that if he kept his shit straight he would be huge and sure as hell he is! I've been around music, bands and live performances my whole life but I've never really seen such joy in playing as I witnessed on this night of my old friend playing the bass! As it turns out it had to be maybe 15 years since we'd seen each other, maybe even longer. I don't know how that happens but it was like no time was lost. He was exactly the same guy he's always been, he's just got a much better beard now! So here you go, check out this hidden little gem from my old memory card!
Click on this fucker right here and check it out!
Until we see each other on the road again,
Keep the wind in your face,
Tits in your back
and The Man Off Your ASS!
Your friend,
Jack Shit

I have had so many of you fine folks tell me how much you guys enjoy the wild, strange & sometimes manic life I lead and love hearing the stories about it and the people I share it with. Here's where I plan to spill it! Know this, YOU WILL GET NOTHING BUT BRUTAL HONESTY FROM ME, so expect nothing less!
It's been a good ride so far!
Since I was just a kid all I have ever wanted to do was to make people laugh or just smile. As a child, an educator sent a note home to my parents. It read; If your son thinks he is going to get through life making people laugh he is in for a RUDE AWAKENING! He is not living up to his potential. WELL, I'M STILL NOT! But at this site you will at least see me try. From the heart, thank you for even being interested, it means the world to me. I always say, I have not a single fan but many a friend!
Friday, May 10, 2013
ROBERT REDFORD LOOK OUT MAN, JACK SHIT IS COMING FOR YOUR TITLE! Or your name or whatever the hell that role was that you played in the movie was I'm not sure but apparently it looks like I got me some mad skills when it comes to communicating with the horses! In this particular case I was saying no so kind things about this lovely rescued horse named Chica! When my friend Chopper Doll found this horse she was starving and 3/4's on her way to certain death! Well I should have said our friend Chopper Doll because I'm sure she is probably your friend too! Anyway, to make a long story short, it had been a long time since we were out her way in Cali and I had yet to see the ranch where she keeps both of her RESCUED horses! The other horse, Memo, was in even worse shape and to add insult to the starvation issue, this horse had been beaten and abused as well. When I first saw the photos of these horses I could not wrap my head around how anyone could do this to such amazing creatures. Well after starving and literally having to fight for food, these two are fattened up and living like rock stars but old habits are hard to break and this beautiful blonde here, Chica, has not forgotten about having to fight for food and she still wants to eat anything that is put in front of her..... and anything that is put in front of any other horse or goat or chicken or..... well you get my drift! The work our dear friend has put into this property is incredible and I give her kudos and two thumbs up for the near unbelievable job she did in saving these two horses from their horrible lives or really, what was left of them.
While there I was so amazed at how beautiful the property was coming along and even more amazed at how great the horses looked, I took out my phone and began to record video and of course, I was commenting on it. Those of you who don't know me allow me to fill you in on this tidbit of info; I'm known for my ridiculous commentary when the camera is on, it's as if I forget that I'm holding the damn thing and no one, including myself ever knows what is going to come out of my mouth so for years any time something needed to be recorded, everyone just handed me the camera hoping for another moment of me putting my foot in my mouth or my head up my ass! Today, the only one to take exception to my commentary was Chica the horse. She was not at all impressed with me or the thoughts that I was conveying! So take a look at the video, it really is pretty damn funny and I would bet my ass on the fact that if I had every horse treat known to man, I could not have gotten this horse to do this with such impeccable timing! It's short, only about a minute and a half so I hope you enjoy it. I'll drop the link in below so all you have to do is click on it.
Until we see each other on the road again,
Keep the wind in your face,
Tits in your back
and The Man Off Your ASS!
Your friend,
Jack Shit
Jack Shit the horse pisser off!
While there I was so amazed at how beautiful the property was coming along and even more amazed at how great the horses looked, I took out my phone and began to record video and of course, I was commenting on it. Those of you who don't know me allow me to fill you in on this tidbit of info; I'm known for my ridiculous commentary when the camera is on, it's as if I forget that I'm holding the damn thing and no one, including myself ever knows what is going to come out of my mouth so for years any time something needed to be recorded, everyone just handed me the camera hoping for another moment of me putting my foot in my mouth or my head up my ass! Today, the only one to take exception to my commentary was Chica the horse. She was not at all impressed with me or the thoughts that I was conveying! So take a look at the video, it really is pretty damn funny and I would bet my ass on the fact that if I had every horse treat known to man, I could not have gotten this horse to do this with such impeccable timing! It's short, only about a minute and a half so I hope you enjoy it. I'll drop the link in below so all you have to do is click on it.
Until we see each other on the road again,
Keep the wind in your face,
Tits in your back
and The Man Off Your ASS!
Your friend,
Jack Shit
Jack Shit the horse pisser off!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Been A Long Time Coming
Since I have not posted shit in forever, I thought since I broke out of my massive inspirational coma today, I'd share some cool shit that's gone on over the last little while since I dropped off the face of the earth! I believe my last post before today was just prior to Daytona Bike Week down at the Broken Spoke letting you all know what we had going on down there. As it turns out, the event was a huge success and the feedback that I've gotten from those who came to work and party with us has been stellar. It is very rare indeed that I ever leave the property when I'm working a bike rally but I could not resist taking off on the Chop In Block / Cycle Source ride around what I believe is called the Wildlife Loop out in Ormond. A friend was kind enough to loan me another friend's bike and I jumped in to the pack and we took off. The ride was amazing, the people along for it could not have been better and for about an hour and a half, we all got to forget that we were there to work. Here is a shot that our friend Uli captured while on the ride. I'm not sure what it is, but there is something that just strikes me about this shot. I'm not sure if it is the way the sun shines off that amazing paint job or the blur of the trees making it look like we are rolling 100 mph or what but I just love the hell out of it so I thought I'd share it with you lunatics.
Once again I had the great honor of hosting some of the finer happenings at Arizona Bike Week this year and there were quite a few moments that really stood out and a few memories that will stay with me for as long as I live. I got to once again do a gig with the incredible folks over at HD of Scottsdale and they clean, clear knocked it out of the park again. It was the kick off party for AZ Bike Week and the crowd was pumped up. In true Jack Shit fashion we hooked them up with all kinds of Free Shit and the crowd was so massive that we had to use a cannon to reach from 1/3 of the crowd back. The concert portion of the event was held at their new training facility which by the way is totally state of the art and enormous. I've yet to think of anything that could not be pulled off with this amazing facility that they have there. The shot below was taken from the lighting console which was about halfway back in the crowd from the stage. I love seeing the crowd here but what I really love is the shot of that flag on the stage. There is a great story here to go along with that flag as well.
What makes working for this group of people so great is just that, "the group of people" and the head of that group is the one and only Dr. Bob Parsons and this man is nothing but class! He spent top dollar to throw this party and here is the kicker, if you have a mc endorsement on your drivers lic., then entry to the event is totally free! How classy of a move is that shit? Dr. Bob went way out of his way to fill the entertainment roster that day. When you bring in a big national act, it's easy to just hire a local band or two to open up for them and save yourself a fortune but he sure as hell didn't do that. He took the expense to bring in a band from Nashville that was really great but the point of this is the band that he brought in all the way from NYC. The band is called Madison Rising and they were extremely talented. More than talented, they are truly patriots and it really shows in their performance. Just like Dr. Bob, the lead singer is a Marine and as you see there I didn't say former Marine because as I've learned, there is no such thing! The band played a set earlier and was just incredible but it was the job that they did later that evening that flat out blew everyone's minds. The original video the band made is stellar but I thought that here, now, I would share the video from that evening. So check it out right click me now. As much as the performance live was incredible what moved me the most was when a moment of silence was asked for by the lead singer and in a split second, nearly six thousand guests fell instantly silent, it was incredibly powerful! This is a band that because of the fact that they are patriotic, find it very difficult to find a welcoming audience because as you know, you are damn near shunned now for being proud to be an American! If you see these guys anywhere, make sure you go and support them. The original video made by the band on youtube has nearly 4 million hits and that's pretty damn impressive to me!
Dr. Bob is the founder of Go Daddy and although he is a MASSIVE success, he takes care of his people and his customers at a level I've yet to see any place else. About 20 minutes before we brought Bob up on stage we were hanging out backstage, we had gone over what was going to happen when he came on and we were talking with the band and that is when I saw and heard something that I'd never imagined was possible in the entertainment industry. Dr. Bob was speaking with these guys and asked how they are supported and how it is going for them. The reply was the same that nearly every band gives, "we do it all on our own" until we make it big enough to get some support but as I mentioned above, in this nation, is these times, being a patriot is perhaps the ultimate curse in the entertainment industry. Dr. Bob turned to one of his top guys and said "bonus these guys $ _______, write them a check right now" and the look on the faces of the band had to match the look on mine. That look was shock, awe and total surprise! I won't mention the amount of the bonus that was given because that really isn't my right to do, but I can say this, HOLY SHIT! Dr. Bob, you my friend are nothing but class! I'm proud to be part of your team! As I mentioned earlier, there was a story behind that flag that we used on the stage. A soldier's dad carries that flag around with him and is such a massive fan of Madison Rising that he attends many of their shows. We knew that we needed a flag on stage for this special moment and we asked if we could use his and he was humbled and honored. I never had a chance to hear the entire story behind the flag but I can say that it was very moving to say the least! Here is one of my favorite shots captured that evening!
Below is a shot captured that night right before we all went on stage. Dr. and Mrs. Parsons, Madison Rising and your pal Jack Shit! This was a night that I will never forget. The only thing that could have made this better would have been if the owner of the flag could have been in there with us.I do have to say that it feels good to write about what's going on again and let you fuckers back into our lives. It's not always easy to just spill out for the whole world everything that is going on and I feel that if I can't lay it all out on the line then why share anything.... ya know what I mean?
So then, until we see each other on the road again,
Keep the wind in your face,
Tits in your back
and The Man Off Your ASS!
Your friend,
Jack Shit
Keeping this a secret has been killing me!
Well folks, I mentioned a few weeks ago that we had some huge announcements to make this year for the Sturgis Rally at the Legendary Broken Spoke Saloon but I had to keep them under wraps for a bit. That bit seemed to stretch on a "bit" longer than I thought and it's been eating me alive that I've not been able to share it with you all! First we announced for our legion of country fans that the one and only Gary Allan to rave reviews, then we dropped the bomb on you fine folks that the one and only Black Crowes were heading back out on the road and dropping this shit down a gear and opening up their throttle with us at the Broken Spoke but that left two huge concert nights left open and I've been getting hammered with questions about who it was going to be..... well I can't share everything with you right now, but I will share this.... ya ready? The one and only QUEENS OF THE STONEAGE will be taking the main stage at the The Spoke and I'd say that they will be blowing the roof off the joint but I can't and the only reason for that is that they will be playing under the incredible star filled South Dakota sky! If you haven't booked your camping you still have a shot, just go to the Broken Spoke Saloon website CLICK RIGHT HERE DAMNIT. Every single show is free for campers and we've kept the ticket prices for those of you who are not camping with us at a price that anyone can afford. So spread the word, it's on like Donkey Kong for the 2013 Sturgis Rally and I give you my word that we are going to break our backs to show you the greatest time you've ever had and help you make some memories to last a lifetime!
Until we see each other on the road again,
Keep the wind in your face,
Tits in your back
and The Man Off Your ASS!
Your friend,
Jack Shit
Until we see each other on the road again,
Keep the wind in your face,
Tits in your back
and The Man Off Your ASS!
Your friend,
Jack Shit
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