So many of you have sent me messages asking me about Sturgis. Questions ranging from where are you working, will you be working, where are you staying, are you hosting the Downtown Spoke again, what is going on with all the rumors I've heard and so many more. In this post, I will try to answer as many of these questions as I possibly can for all of you.
First and foremost, the questions of will you be working, where will you be working and where are you staying I can answer with one simple answer; THE ONE AND ONLY, WORLD FAMOUS BROKEN SPOKE SALOON CAMPGROUND County Line! Once again, I have been welcomed back as part of the Broken Spoke Family and I will be the host of the 2011 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally at the Spoke. Right now, many of you are probably scratching your head thinking, but you work downtown and Jay Allen is the host of the Campground, what gives with that? WE ARE SWITCHING IT UP! Jay will host the downtown Spoke and I will host the Campground for the 71st Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
To answer the questions about all the rumors that Jay is no longer with the Broken Spoke or no longer part of the Broken Spoke, nothing on earth COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! Jay Allen is now and will always be part owner of the Broken Spoke Saloon. Jay built the brand in to the amazing business that it has become today, why would he ever leave that? I've seen so many posts and gotten messages like Screw the Spoke, we are supporting Jay! This makes the least sense of any statements that I have ever heard! If you say you are supporting Jay Allen, then support the Broken Spoke, it is just that simple, Jay is still an owner there. If you boycott the Spoke, then you are in fact, boycotting Jay. Does this make any sense to you yet? Let me put it this way. There is a relationship between Jay and his other partners in the Broken Spoke Saloon and like any other relationship, emotions can run heavy when you are very passionate and care about that relationship more than most anything on earth! I liken it to a couple that has been happily married for many years. Some times in that relationship, you need a break, just that simple. If you don't step back and step away for a brief period, you can ruin that relationship. Like a husband and wife love each other, sometimes they can't stand being around each other. They have ridden all of the ups and downs together for a long time and rather than throw the relationship away by making harsh decisions in heated moments, the couple decides that a break or "trial separation" may be needed. They don't do this to end the relationship, they do it to save the relationship. When you have a bit of distance between you, you realize just how very much you each mean to the other and you realize that although there are good times and bad, the good far outweigh the bad. You realize that you love your other half more than you could ever imagine and come to the conclusion that neither of you can live without the other! Separation makes the heart grow fonder and in this case, I believe it to be exactly what will happen. EVERYONE NEEDS A BREAK EVERY NOW AND AGAIN, it is just that simple. As relationships grow, you find that there are things that you just can't stand about your partner and there are just things about your partner that you learn that you could and would never want to live without. You realize later that had you not stepped back and taken that much needed break, that relationship with the person, or in this case, with the "place" that you love with all of your heart and soul would have ended. As far as I am concerned, JAY ALLEN IS THE BROKEN SPOKE and I am honored to be part of the family there.
This year at the Broken Spoke County Line, we are bringing it back to basics. Old School biker party and camping. We are making this event as it should be, about all of you, our extended Broken Spoke family! It seems that over the last few years, every major company has come in to Sturgis and booked bigger and bigger bands and attractions, in my opinion, taking away from what Sturgis really is and that is about getting together to RIDE AND PARTY with dear friends that you have known forever or dear friends that you have just met and will know FOREVER! The Spoke is going back to the way things use to be and making the event about YOU and not about us! Go out for a ride and come back HOME to the Broken Spoke Saloon where you are always welcome. We have so much planned for you guys this year that you won't have to go any place else. So save yourself the DUI's and plant your ass at the Spoke and party your collective asses off with us. The area around Sturgis has some of the most beautiful riding in America and you won't want to miss out on any of that and when that ride is over, come back, jump in the BIGGEST BIKER POOL ON EARTH and relax and get some rest because come sun down, we are going to show you the best party in Sturgis!
Many have asked about how Jay feels that I am coming in and hosting the Broken Spoke Campground? Let me assure you of this, Jay is my friend and I would never have taken this gig without his complete and total blessing and I HAVE THAT AND THEN SOME! As a matter of fact, Jay was a big part in me getting the gig at the Spoke and I will be eternally grateful. Come out and support the Broken Spoke and our friend, mine and yours, a guy who has done so much for our lifestyle, Mr. Jay Allen and don't forget to go downtown and visit Jay at the original Broken Spoke on Lazelle Street and tell em that your friend Jack Shit sent you! You don't even have to worry about riding down and getting busted, you can take the SPOKE TO SPOKE SHUTTLE that runs from County Line directly to Downtown and drops you off right at the door of the Spoke!
For everyone who will be attending the rally, I can't wait to see you all! There is no rally on earth like the Sturgis rally and we are all going to have a blast this year. Even if you are staying at another campground or hotel, make sure you get your ass over to the Spoke and come say hello.
Another question that I keep getting asked, "Jack", will I be able to pick up I know Jack Shit shirts at Sturgis again this year? Yes you will! I have an order that should be finished shortly and yes, I will be bringing shirts up to Sturgis, you can pick them right up at the Campground and yes, the money still goes to helping with the cost of Diane's MS meds and such! Thank you all, I look forward to seeing each and every single one of you fine fuckers up at the BROKEN SPOKE SALOON!
In the next few days, I will be posting event schedules and such to show you just what we have planned for you maniacs so keep an eye out for those.
Last year was my first time ever hosting at the Broken Spoke and when I arrived at the campground I immediately checked in with Jay Allen and asked him, "Jay, what do you expect from me"? I figured I would have a 30 minute conversation with him about my duties there and so on. That is not what happened at all. His answer was five words! JACK, TREAT EVERYONE LIKE FAMILY! That was it! Those were my duties and what Jay expected from me and that is just what I did and what I will continue to do this year!

I have had so many of you fine folks tell me how much you guys enjoy the wild, strange & sometimes manic life I lead and love hearing the stories about it and the people I share it with. Here's where I plan to spill it! Know this, YOU WILL GET NOTHING BUT BRUTAL HONESTY FROM ME, so expect nothing less!
It's been a good ride so far!
Since I was just a kid all I have ever wanted to do was to make people laugh or just smile. As a child, an educator sent a note home to my parents. It read; If your son thinks he is going to get through life making people laugh he is in for a RUDE AWAKENING! He is not living up to his potential. WELL, I'M STILL NOT! But at this site you will at least see me try. From the heart, thank you for even being interested, it means the world to me. I always say, I have not a single fan but many a friend!