Some days, no matter how good things are going in your life, no matter how good your health may be, no matter what, you still feel a little bit down. Sometime there is just no rhyme or reason as to why you feel the way you do. For me, all can be great but if I don't see the sun shining brightly I feel shitty. Give me a few days with no sunshine and I am like a junkie who has gone cold turkey and is desperately in need of a fix. Today, I NEED MY FIX! I'm in Arizona damnit! Where the hell is the sun? I can remember years ago, in my first home, I was laid up post surgical and really a mess. I had to sleep on the living room floor for a few weeks as I could barely move. I would just lay there, feeling down and in all kinds of pain and one day I rolled over and looked up at my wall. What began as a huge blank wall with one photo in the center had grown in to a 20 foot wide collage of blown up photos from great moments captured in time. The longer I looked at it, the better I felt. I could stare at each photo and I was transported back to the moment that it was captured and I could feel the happiness that I was feeling that day and you know what, it eased the pain and the sadness. I didn't look at them and think woes me, I looked at them and thought "what a day" and I can't wait to make more memories like that! Staring up at those photos on the wall carried me through that horrible time. I no longer have a wall of photos like that in my home now, but I do have my lap top and a few years of incredible memories captured in split seconds of time! I take a walk down memory lane without ever even having to stand up and it makes me feel great. So when you feel a bit blue, grab that box of old pics, you remember those right? Take them out, remember great times and then go out and make more! Here are a few shots from this last year that bring back great feelings and motivate me to go out and make new friends and new memories that will carry me through other rough patches, I hope you enjoy these shots!
I got to ride an amazing journey with my dearest friends!
Nothing like taking a pic of the greatest bike lifestyle photographer on earth,
taking a pic of you at the same time.
I got to carry a war hero's fake leg and put it someplace safe. But forgot to tell
him exactly where I put it! Woops!
Met my first Tuba Ho in Memphis Tenn. I still have the
dent in my head from where that tuba whacked it!
Spent Christmas with dear friends and family in my new home.
Got to see one of my oldest friends in the world after not seeing him for 20 years
rip the roof off a joint. Black Label Society was amazing.
I got to host one of the greatest bars on earth during the
greatest bike rally on earth. That is my knuckle logo on the banners.
They were all over Sturgis!
A great friend did one of the sickest burnouts ever on an
incredible knucklehead at The World Famous Broken Spoke Saloon
and did it for me! Thanks Brother Teach!
One of the highlights of my life, I had a Doobie Brother tell me,
He enjoyed my performance, can you imagine? What a classy guy he is too!
There are times in your career where you must just keep going and going
to make sure that you have done it right! Hours and hours of this is brutal!
Salvation Mountain, Slab City, Niland California. One of the most
amazing labors of love I have ever witnessed. That is a hand painted mountain!
Chopper ride down to the town too tough to die to visit brothers.
Tombstone, Arizona with our family!
What can I possibly say about this? This one speaks for itself. You know
ladies love outlaws!
An amazing family visit and a day spent shooting in the desert.
I won't soon forget this day.
It's not often that the family actually gets to be together.
Shot in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere,
at the Slab City Riot in California
I hope you enjoyed these photos. These were but a few of the great memories I have been able to make
over this last year. I could have posted hundreds of pics but there was no need. By the time I had gone through the files to find these, they did their job and I already feel better!
So go out, live life and make memories that will last forever. No photo that you capture is ever stupid and may one day give you the strength to pick yourself up and carry on! Love your life, Love your friends and whatever you have to do, LOVE YOURSELF!