It's been a good ride so far!

Since I was just a kid all I have ever wanted to do was to make people laugh or just smile. As a child, an educator sent a note home to my parents. It read; If your son thinks he is going to get through life making people laugh he is in for a RUDE AWAKENING! He is not living up to his potential. WELL, I'M STILL NOT! But at this site you will at least see me try. From the heart, thank you for even being interested, it means the world to me. I always say, I have not a single fan but many a friend!

Thursday, May 5, 2011




I have to tell you that photos do not do this jewelry justice!  Ladies, do you want one of these?  Guys, do you want to get one of these for your girl?  Do you want one of these and not have to pay for it, yeup, for FREE?  Yeah, I thought that would grab your attention!

The above paragraph was how this blog post was originally posted but now, the ante has been upped.  That second photo is the men's Zack bracelet and let me tell you, it is bad ass.  I have the very same thing but rather than it be the bracelet, I have it as a necklace!  You are going to want to keep on reading this blog because now you can get both for FREE!
Here is the deal....  every single time we go out to a bike event, my beautiful wife gets asked two questions and they both start with OH MY GOD!  Oh my God, that shirt is unbelievable, where did you get it?  They are asking about the I know Jack Shit Shirts and the other question starts OH MY GOD, where did you get that bracelet?  That is the coolest thing I have ever seen!  It truly is beautiful, they both are!  The shirts, not so much beautiful, but cool as shit! 

The bracelets are made by a dear friend of ours, she is known everywhere as Chopper Doll, but her name is Daisy and she is truly a kind soul!  You must know Chopper Doll by now, but if you don't, maybe a highly detailed photo of her will help you remember her.  Well you tell me, do you know this woman? 

and as you can see, she is one of us!
Of course you do!  Okay, I'm just screwing with you but, really, I'm not!  A few weeks ago, I got a phone call from Daisy and she had an amazing idea.  I listened as she told it to me and I must tell you that I was speechless!  She owns a company called and she makes these amazing bracelets and other kick ass jewelry.  As a matter of fact, if you guys saw those videos that I posted in the last few days, the necklace that I am wearing was made by her.  Everyone loves it and so many people have asked me where I got it and what it's made of, I just point them her way.

Many of you know but some may not, the proceeds from my shirt sales go to helping us pay for the massive cost of my angel of a wife's Multiple Sclerosis treatments, testing and meds.  At this point, obviously I don't sell enough shirts to come close to covering the cost but I have to say that thanks to your support and your love for these shirts, it sure helps us out!  So what was Chopper Doll's idea?  I'll say this, it is a great one.  Ms. Daisy offered me something that blew me away.  Her idea was this;  how about for a set period of time, each and every single person who purchases an I know Jack Shit shirt gets entered in to a drawing and at the end of that set period of time, a winner will be pulled from those entries and that winner will be the lucky winner of one of these stunning bracelets!  It takes a great deal to make this loud mouth speechless, but this surely did it!  These bracelets are not cheap to make and her offer hit me straight in the heart!  Thank you so very much Ms. Daisy, I am touched!  SO THAT IS WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO!  I am going to set up a page, attached to this blog that will allow you folks to order shirts, right through pay pal and you will still be able to hit me up directly on FaceBook and order them as well, the same way we have always done! 

So give me a few days to get my act together and if you have any questions, any at all please don't hesitate to reach out to either of us!  Jewelry questions or t shirt questions or hey how the hell are you questions.  If you got questions, we got answers! 

So on behalf of myself and my amazing wife Diane, I want to thank the one and only Chopper Doll for being so kind and generous to us!  Now it is up to you!  Do you want to do a good thing and at the very least get a bad ass shirt and best case, get a bad ass shirt and an even more bad ass, one of a kind piece of jewelry? 

I plan to fill out an entry form for each and every person who purchases a shirt.  If you purchase more than one as so many of you do, then you will get an entry for each shirt you purchase.  If you purchase hoodies, then you will get two entries in the contest.  I will at the very least, video the pulling of the winning entry and if I can figure out how to do it, broadcast it live.  That I have yet to figure out but I have some pretty smart friends!  So all that is left now is to get a final count on the shirts that I have in stock and fill in the void of sizes that have been sold out.  So go to and check out the sick stuff that Chopper Doll makes and I will let you all know the date that we start the contest!  Now some of you will say, Jack Shit, I just ordered a shirt today, or yesterday, do I lose out on this?  NO, YOU DO NOT!  If you purchased a shirt this week, you will be entered in to the contest, GRANDFATHER CLAUSE'D IN, if you will!  So don't worry.  Keep the orders coming and I'll give you an official start date.  We should be up and ready for this by Monday. 

So again, it won't matter if you are man, woman or child, if you buy a ladies tank, a men's t or a hoodie, they all count!  Guys, if you order a shirt, you can just give me the person's name you would like to enter if you don't have a girl.  This may be your chance to blow that lady's mind that you have been trying to impress!

Remember, no matter what life throws your way, take it head on and keep up the good fight no matter what.  You will find that you are stronger for it and your strength will help to inspire others to fight or do good deeds, people will see the fire that you posses!  No matter what bad tricks the Universe plays with you and your loved ones lives, face it with your chin down and your knuckles up.  My wife Diane is an inspiration to so many because no matter what, no matter how bad she feels, she never shows it and she always puts others first and that is just incredible.  You guys have sent so much love our way and I will never forget it!  I think that the key, no matter what you are facing is to keep up your sense of humor!  Laugh at anything that you can, find humor in things that may make you want to cry and try your damnedest to bring a smile to some one's face!  Never ever, let them get you down.....  These poor bastards didn't even know she was fucking with them.....

SO NOW IN CLOSING, WIN OR LOSE THE RAFFLE, YOU WILL STILL WIN!  I HAVE SOLD A GREAT DEAL OF THESE SHIRTS ALL AROUND THE WORLD NOW AND EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO HAS GOTTEN ONE HAS FLIPPED OVER THEM.  The shirts are top quality and a separate page to order them will be attached to the blog itself!  The page is being set up as we speak and you will be able to just pay with your pay pal acct. right there without any hassle at all.  You can still pay with check or money order, it just takes a bit longer to finish the entire process!  FOR MY PART, I ASK ONLY ONE THING AND I HAVE HAD THIS RULE SINCE I BEGAN MAKING THE SHIRTS, WHEN YOU GET THEM, YOU HAVE GOT TO TAKE A PHOTO IN IT AND SEND IT MY WAY FOR THE ALBUM!

Until we see each other on the road,

Keep the wind in your face,
Tits in your back
and The Man off your ass!

Your Friend,
Jack Shit

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm Boiling Mad

I sat down on the couch tonight to finally put my thoughts about my Laughlin River Run trip in to words and share some pics that I took.  Photos of friends that I had just made, friends that I had just finally gotten to meet, etc, but I don't think that is going to happen tonight!  The longer I sit here, the more angry I get!  These last two days should be days of great celebration in America and for a brief moment it began that way.  When I heard the news that the world's greatest piece of shit had been killed by the greatest soldiers on earth I had an overwhelming wave of feelings come over me.  I felt relief that this man could never again inspire hatred, relief that this man could never again plot or plan to hurt another human being again, relief that not one of our soldiers had been hurt or killed while putting their very lives on the line to take this scum bag out and relief that the hunt was over.  I felt joy in knowing that he would never take a breath of fresh air from a world that he poisoned.  I felt sadness as well.  I was sad for the families of the victims of 9/11.  Sad you ask?  Why?  I should feel happy for them that they will finally have some closure and for that I do.  What I feel sad for them about is that once again this tragedy has been brought to the forefront of their every thought and how they must be reliving the tragic events of that day and of those days that followed!  I understand that this is life as we now know it in a post 9/11 world and that is not really what has gotten me so very angry!

The first and most obvious thing to me and what took a little edge off of the joy that I felt in learning of Bin Laden's death was when I heard where this mother fucker was hiding!  He was not hiding in a cave in some area of the world that even God had forgotten, but in a million dollar home 3000 feet away from the equivalent of our West Point Military Academy for what could possibly be up to 6 years!  6 fucking years?  While we are giving hundreds of millions if not BILLIONS of dollars of not only mine and yours, but the tax dollars taken from the families of the victims themselves to pay this horrid country to hide this terrorist!  There is part of me that would not even for one single moment be shocked that we in fact in the end actually paid for the construction of the hideout itself!  I DO NOT CARE WHAT ANY ONE SAYS, I WILL NOT BELIEVE THAT THEY WERE NOT HIDING HIM!  There is a well known statement, Three can keep a secret if two are dead.  The truth will come out and when it does, Pakistan should be treated the same way we would treat any other nation that harbours terrorists!  The same rules apply!  But no!  We can't do that because we may hurt their feelings and they may not help us in our WAR ON TERROR.  Help us?  What the fuck have they done for us?  In my eyes they have proven just the opposite, that not only have they not helped us, but in fact they have hurt us!  I think of all the soldiers from America and other great nations who have joined in the fight and the hunt to find Bin Laden and who lost their lives or limbs and given up all they have back at home.  Some have lost everything and for what?  It was all a sham, a scam and a big fucking joke.  While this guy sat and drank his favorite drinks, COKE AND PEPSI, yes, it's a fact, in his million dollar home in Pakistan, our kids were dying and looking for him in Afghanistan based on the info we were getting from OUR DEAR FRIEND, Pakistan!  If it were up to me and when I say me, I mean we, WE THE PEOPLE, I would demand that all funding, all aid, all business, ALL EVERYTHING be stopped immediately to Pakistan!  It's over!  You have betrayed our trust and our generosity and you will no longer be rewarded for it, you are done!  Everyone will cry out, but they are a nuclear nation!  Well they are not a long range nuke nation, so make them well aware that if so much as one weapon is pointed at any of our interests or allies, they will be promptly wiped from the face of this earth.  I have said it before and I will say it again, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

I could go on and on about that but I will stop because I am only getting crazier as I type this.  Let me tell you what else has taken away from the joy of having Bin Laden's lights put out.  All the drama that has come since his wonderful demise!  Even I will admit that the other night, while watching the President give his speech about the events that had happened only hours before, I was finally relieved to see this phony act "PRESIDENTIAL"!  I thought to myself and even said it aloud, "it's about damn time".  I could even in the moment understand him giving thanks to Pakistan.  Well that was until the truth began to rise to the surface.  The story that came out of the White House was a powerful one and a detailed one!  But now, the power has been lost and all the details seem to be changing.  Not even the White House can tell the same story twice about the details of the events that have taken place.  THE MOST TRANSPARENT GOVERNMENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD!  Isn't that what we were promised?  So not only are we being lied to about all of the bad things going on here in America, we are now being lied to about the good things that we should be so happy about!  We are told that Bin Laden was not even a Muslim but someone who "hijacked" the  peaceful religion in a way to spread terror, so we should not judge or hold a grudge against Muslims.  Then we kill him and our sailors are forced to give him the "ULTIMATE MUSLIM FUNERAL SERVICE"!  They had to do it all right on down to the very last perfect detail.  This murderer was given a 45 minute funeral service that was translated in to Arabic on a U.S. Aircraft Carrier by American soldiers, many of whom joined the military only after the very attack that he was the master mind of!  So I ask, was he a Muslim or not?  From what our President has said over and over again in the past, he was not, yet our President ordered this service to be performed.  I don't know folks, something is rotten here.

Now the thing that has made me the most angry.  Once again, we can not get a straight answer from our leaders.  Do we show the photo of him dead or not?  We were told that when Saddam's sons were killed that their photos had to be shown for it is the only way that the Muslim world would accept that they were truly dead and that no mis information could be spread.  That is what was done and that was it.  His own people shot video of and aired his very own execution.  Yet we are told that if the photo is shown it would enrage the Muslim world.  Well, which is it?  They have to be shown the photo so that they remain calm on one hand but on another they can't be shown a photo because it will enrage them?  ONCE AGAIN, I CALL BULLSHIT!  Once again, our leaders are more worried about what people who hate us with a passion that will last three life times will think of us and don't care what it's own citizens want.  Then we are told that the photo is too disturbing and graphic for anyone to see.  Was it not graphic and disturbing to see our American soldiers dragged through the streets and murdered in Somalia or was it not too graphic when they beheaded Daniel Pearlman from the Wall Street Journal for trying to interview one of these evil fucks?  I guess it was not too graphic, disturbing or horrible for them to air repeatedly, over and over on television in the middle east right?  But we can't show one single still photo of THEIR GUY!  I am so sick and tired of our government  making decisions that will inevitably effect each and every single one of us, based on fear of what some one who is not a citizen of this country "may" think.  The key word there being "may" think, they are not even sure.  I am sick of Obama's apology tour!  I am sick and tired of him telling the world that he is sorry for all that we have ever done.  There are 190 countries in the world and we give money and or aid to 160 of them and you know what?  THEY STILL HATE US!  The Muslim world does not recognize sensitivity, what they recognize and respect is strength!  SO LET'S SHOW THEM STRENGTH!  Post the photo and show them that if you perform an act of terror against any citizen of this country THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!  Plain and simple, this will be your fate, no matter the time or the distance, you will pay the ultimate price.  I hear the argument that it is too much to see the photo.  That we can't handle it, it is just too graphic.  Yet our soldiers are forced to see this each and every single day in real life as their friends are blown to pieces while standing next to them!  Our kids play video games that are mind blowing and when the newest and the most gorey horror film comes out, people line up to get in to see it.  Yet once again, our government wants to treat us all as little children who are incapable of making adult decisions and therefore they must be made for us, for our own good!  I am sick of it!  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

The way I look at this whole photo debacle is this way.  Imagine if you would, the family of a victim of a crime.  The criminal is caught, charged, tried, convicted and sentenced to death!  After all appeals are exhausted, the date is set for the execution.  Some of those victims or members of the victim's family will want to be present to witness the execution.  They will need it to have closure and they attend.  Other members or victims will find some comfort in knowing that the execution is taking place and they don't need to witness it!  The thing is though, they are given the choice.  They are allowed as adult, free people, to choose for themselves, what they feel is best for themselves!  To me, it is just that simple.  We are a free nation of free people and being able to make free decisions without government interference, to me is an inalienable right!  I don't need any person making decisions that are best for me, much less some group of career politicians who will make that decision not based on what is good for me, but inevitably, what will be good for them in the end!  I am sick of it, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!  I could go on and on about each and every little detail of this entire situation but I won't.  I will however end it on this thought.

Not once, not one single solitary time has our President, not even on the anniversary of 9/11 gone and visited the world trade center, not one fucking time.  But now, coming up on an election, he is now going to place a wreath there and had the audacity to ask George Bush to take part in it!  ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?  Does he think that we Americans are so stupid that we do not see this for what it is?  He is turning both a horrible tragedy and cause for great celebration in to a political sham!  Now all of a sudden he is going to appear at the World Trade Center and is NOW FINALLY going to meet with the families of the victims.  Well not exactly... the details of who will be allowed in to "meet with him" have yet to be released but I can bet you this; there will be not one member of a victim's family who opposed the building of the Mosque at ground zero.  There will not be one member of a family allowed there who is on "one of his lists" to attend the "meeting".  I am willing to bet damn near anything on this!  We as a nation have cause to both mourn and celebrate at the very same time.  Let's not make this about politics!  Please, I beg, don't use these victims and their families like pawns in your next campaign!  If you cared so much about them and the events of 9/11, why then have you refused for 2.5 years to even so much as meet with any of them much less visit the site of ground zero?  Someone answer that for me please? 

I'm sorry, I am sure this wasn't entertaining, but I needed to vent it somewhere and maybe open up some closed eyes or minds.

Until we see each other on the road,

Keep the wind in your face,
Tits in your back
and The Man off your ass!

Your friend,
Jack Shit

Conspiracy Theorists, this is for you!

It's not too often that I post up videos, I just usually rant and rave about shit through my writings. I have been so jammed up recently and since I no longer have a charger for my lap top computer ( the little woman chopped it in half while closing a recliner), even though I pleaded with her to check each time before she did it, I was unable to travel with my computer. I did however have my phone, a piece of shit droid and I thought well I can get online with that and load up pics and vids from there. Typically that would be true, but of course my phone from hell, decided on it's own that the camera app would no longer work! I was forced to just shoot with my digital camera and post up later.

Yesterday and earlier today, I put up two videos because I had no way to write to you fine folks and I was getting a lot of messages both here on the blog and on facebook and email wondering if I was okay and messages from people telling me that they can't go to sleep without reading the blog or that their morning coffee was just not the same without it! I loaded up a few videos thinking it would just let you know that I was alive and well! Oddly enough, people loved them. Today, through facebook and email, I received messages that said they loved the videos and that I should post more and to especially make more when I am going on one of my rants! I had been told since I began the blog to include video and I just never thought it made much sense, but I understand now. So your voices have been heard and I will change up the format here and mix it up a bit more for you.

With regard to the previous videos, some of you fuckers actually sent me messages saying that it did look like I was really going bald and now they know why I wear the bandanna all the time. One of you sons a bitches actually used the phrase, "just like Brett Michaels does".... well my head damn near exploded with that one! I have no problem going bald, I have nothing bad to say about anyone who is bald or going bald, what I do have a problem with was being compared to Brett Michaels! That actually made me throw up a little bit in my mouth! So to you who sent me those messages, this video is for you!

Take a look at the bags under my eyes and the rasp to my voice! I am exhausted! I have yet to unpack from my trip, in the last few days I have spent 27 hours with Diane and her clients trying to help them find a few homes and have had less than 15 hours of sleep since last Wednesday night! There was no way that I could let Diane do all that she has to do with these clients and then have her drive around and lead a parade of client filled vehicles all over the valley of the sun! We use to do this all the time with her clients but over the last year or so, some how we got away from me being her "driver". It was nice to be back "on the road" with my girl again. She is by far and hands down, the very best realtor I have ever seen. So if you know someone who is looking to move or for a vacation home in AZ, make sure you reach out to her. If you are going through a real estate nightmare of your own or just have questions and are buying some place else, please don't hesitate to reach out, she loves to help people!

Until we see each other on the road,

Keep the wind in your face,
Tits in your back
and The Man off your ass!

Your friend,
Jack Shit

Once a Gangster always a Gangster

Here is part two of last night's video post.... I just can't ever catch a damn break! It is nice however to feel so very safe and secure. It is like having secret service protection. Well that is unless you need a cop, then they are no where to be found! Go figure! Anyway, if you don't know what this is about, you missed last night's post, so just jump back one post and it will help you understand it all.... see ya later, much to talk about!

The luck of the Irish

There are times when you want to share something with the world and just typing it out doesn't come close to allowing the reader to know how you truly feel. On occasion, I like to just throw on the video camera, do a quick video update and let the world know what is going on. While waiting on Diane to come out of a client's home, I took 3 minutes, set the camera up on the back of my pick up truck and turned it on. I couldn't wait to share the info with you. As you will see at around 15 seconds in, my Irish Luck picks right up where it left off the last time something shitty happened to me. Too bad I didn't say, "I haven't see winning lottery numbers in a while", maybe this would have worked better. As you can see, I am standing in a really nice neighborhood, I guess I stuck out like a sore thumb! Check it out, it really is kind of funny. Thank you all again for always supporting me and staying interested in what is going on in JACK SHIT'S WORLD.

I'll keep you guys up to date on my trip to Laughlin and a whole bunch of other shit going on in my life the moment that I can get caught up from this past week. Thank you as always for even being interested at all in this crazy ass world I live in and what happens here in my special little place!

Till we see each other on the road,

Keep the wind in your face,
Tits in your back
and The Man off your ass!

Your friend,
Jack Shit