It's been a good ride so far!

Since I was just a kid all I have ever wanted to do was to make people laugh or just smile. As a child, an educator sent a note home to my parents. It read; If your son thinks he is going to get through life making people laugh he is in for a RUDE AWAKENING! He is not living up to his potential. WELL, I'M STILL NOT! But at this site you will at least see me try. From the heart, thank you for even being interested, it means the world to me. I always say, I have not a single fan but many a friend!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

T Shirts! Oh how I screwed this up!

Hey folks, I am writing this to you guys so that you understand what is going on with T shirts and shirt orders!  As you see, on the right side of the page here, on any page here, you can order I Know Jack Shit shirts.  Those orders are processed automatically and go straight to pay pal.  When an order comes in, pay pal sends me an email and lets me know that an order has been placed and the specific details of the order and the person who has purchased it.  I also have people order through me directly via email, or right on face book.  I thought that it was perhaps the economy or thought that maybe people just weren't digging on them anymore or that sales of the shirts had just run their course.  I've been getting asked for some time now about when will the next design come out?  I also have a pay pal visa that is attached to this acct. that I rarely use but it makes it much quicker to take money out of pay pal and it offers me a way to pay for Diane's meds and such that come right from these sales.  I went on line to check to see if a charge was credited back to the account and was dumbfounded to see the amount of money in the acct.  HOW CAN THIS BE?  So I opened up the pay pal acct to find it filled with shirt orders going back since Sturgis ended.....  HOLY SHIT!

As you guys know, I ship typically within the next business day or at the latest two days after an order arrives and payment is received....  apparently lately I have not.  I just could not understand how this happened.  It took some research on my part and I got to the bottom of it.  They say an explanation is just an excuse so take it anyway that you like it, but here it is!  If you guys remember, just prior to Rally time Diane's cell phone was stolen.  She is not real tech savvy and didn't really have any "security measures set up to protect herself with the phone.  Because the MS affects her memory, she saved all her passwords right in the phone for all her accounts.  The phone was brand new and we never loaded up where's my droid or any other type of app to track down the phone.  In a total panic we raced home and changed each and every password to all of our accounts, email, bank, pay pal etc.  Well what I should say is that "I" changed all of these for her.  I also made my email address the primary email for pay pal.  This means each time an order comes in, pay pal sends me an email with the details.  I was receiving these right up to Sturgis.  I don't really have the greatest concept of time these days but did think to myself "man orders really slowed down".  What I didn't realize was and she swears to God that she told me, Diane changed the primary email on the pay pal acct back to the original email address and just changed the password to the new one.  She told me that she did it so that I would not have to worry about it while I was on the road for those few weeks.  Every week since, she has said to me, have you shipped shirts and I responded "sure have".  I was talking about shirts that I received orders for myself through facebook and email.  I had no idea until this morning that she was talking about these orders from the net and through the blog page!  I HAD NO IDEA THEY WERE EVEN THERE!  So this morning, standing on the driveway, we got in what for us is the very rare argument!  She insists that she told me and I can't remember that she did.... 

I AM SO FUCKING SORRY!  These orders will be dealt with immediately.  I have a shirts coming in this week!

I had no idea that you guys had put in all of these orders.  All of you guys that follow me on face book know that for the last 2 weeks now, I can't open "messages" in face book.  I am now up to 306 new messages and it only opens up to a blank page, nothing there at all!  As a matter of fact, I actually posted two pics up to facebook today of the number of messages and the blank page when you open it.  I've called the number someone posted last week to reach them and I've tried all that I can to get them to open, but to no avail.  I had gotten email messages from people saying that they were going over to the blog to order shirts but didn't receive them.  I just thought they changed their minds or didn't get around to it yet.  Little did I know.  So again, this will be dealt with as fast as I possibly can!

I can't thank you all enough for the support that you have shown to both Diane and myself with the orders of these shirts.  I am humbled each and every single time that you go out, take photos in them and send them to me!  The proceeds go to a great cause and honestly over the last two years I don't know how we would have paid for Diane's meds had it not been for you guys, my friends and the purchase of these shirts!  From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.  I'm going to post this here and then post and re post it on to facebook so that people know what happened and get this all resolved right away!  I hope you understand that I am a fuck up, forgive me for this screw up and still want your shirts.  IF YOU CAN'T, then I understand and I'll send you back the payment for the shirt.  You just let me know.  Now that we know about the email address issue with pay pal, this will never happen again.  

Sincerely, your friend,
Jack Shit 

1 comment:

  1. Whoa damn....they say that *I'M* braindead, but even *I* ain't fucked up THAT bad yet.

    Wait, that's a lie. Yes I have. Oh YESSSS, I sure 'nuff have.

    Even BIGGER.

    Wish I could say that ya owed ME some cash, or even a shirt, but that'd be ANOTHER damn lie. And I believe I've already hit my quota for today.
